Information about the German courses at Deutschkolleg Stuttgart

German Courses

German intensive courses

Our intensive courses bring absolute beginners to the level of German examinations for third-level institutions in seven steps.

The complete programme lasts ca. 10 months. Applicants with previous knowledge of German can start at a higher level, and reach their goal more quickly.

To the courses:

A1, A2, B1, B2.1, B2.2, C1, TestDaF Training

Intensive TestDaF training

Get yourself fit for TestDaF! Our courses train exam formats and time management. You will increase your subject-related knowledge and your vocabulary. Your chances of a good result increase dramatically.

To the course:  TestDaF Training

Intensive courses at a glance

  • Courses start 8 times per year (all levels)
  • Age of participants 18 to 35
  • Course duration 6 weeks
  • approx. 18 participants per group
  • 25 teaching units of 45 minutes per week
  • regular tests

Evening courses

Are you already studying and would like to improve your German language skills? Or do you want to prepare for your career entry? Then our evening courses are the right choice for you!

More information: Evening courses

TestDaF examination

Deutschkolleg Stuttgart is a licensed TestDaF examination centre. We normally offer all the annual examination dates specified by the TestDaF Institute.

Information about TestDaF examination: TestDaF

Register now!

Online Registration

Any questions?

Call us at: +49-711-687068-18
Write to us:
Visit us: German Course Office
