TestDaF Preparation in Deutschkolleg
Information about our preparation courses for the TestDaF examination can be found here:
TestDaf Examination in Deutschkolleg
Deutschkolleg Stuttgart is a licensed examination centre. The examination dates are set by the TestDaF Institute.
TestDaF takes place six times per year.
More information (in German language) about the TestDaF exam at Deutschkolleg you’ll find here: Downloads
See also: TestDaF digital im Deutschkolleg (in German language)
Dates of the TestDaF Examination
12.03.2024 (paper based)
26.03.2024 (digital)
06.06.2024 (digital)
06.08.2024 (digital)
15.10.2024 (paper based)
12.11.2024 (digital)
11.03.2025 (paper based)
26.03.2025 (digital)
15.05.2025 (paper based)
16.07.2025 (paper based)
07.08.2025 (digital)
16.10.2025 (paper based)
13.11.2025 (digital)
Examination Fee
The fee for the TestDaF examination is currently 210 Euro.
How to Register
Your registration for the TestDaF exam follows three steps:
1. Please contact our language course office. Contact
2. You receive a TAN from us, with which you can register at the TestDaF online participant portal.
3. The examination fee (210 Euro) is to be paid to the TestDaF Institute to complete registration.
Please note the TestDaF Institute registration deadlines: TestDaF – Dates and Registration Deadlines
Your TestDaF result
You can see your result on the TestDaF participant portal approximately 4 weeks after the examination.
Since September 2020, the TestDaF Institute has only been issuing digital certificates. You can download and print out your TestDaF certificate on the TestDaF portal. Certificates will longer be sent to you as paper documents.
Further information about TestDaF
Further information about the TestDaF Examination can be found here:
Any questions?
Call us at: +49-711-687068-18
Write to us: info@deutschkolleg-stuttgart.de
Visit us: German Course Office