Kontaktinformationen des Deutschkollegs Stuttgart

Deutschkolleg now also on Telegram und Signal

Dear participants,

The Deutschkolleg team is constantly trying to improve the availability of the Deutschkolleg so that we can respond to your requests and questions as quickly as possible.

This is why you can now find the Deutschkolleg on the popular messaging services Telegram and Signal under the name Deutschkolleg Stuttgart.

Of course, we are still there for you on the existing social media channels WhatsAPP and Facebook.

And don’t forget the phone and email. ;)

Here are all our contact options again:

Deutschkolleg Stuttgart
Telefon: +49-711-687068-18
Email: info@deutschkolleg-stuttgart.de
WhatsApp: +49-1520-3645556
Telegram: Deutschkolleg Stuttgart
Signal: Deutschkolleg Stuttgart

You can also find this in the footer of all our web pages.